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57% of Baseball Arm Surgeries are performed on players ages 14-19 years (rising 9% per year).

The arm injury epidemic in baseball is complicated and nuanced.  There are many factors that have led, and continue to propel, the dramatic increase in arm injuries we are experiencing in baseball.

KPI takes extensive steps to lower the injury risk for every pitcher that trains at KPI.  One of the main ways that the #kpicrew maintains industry leading health standards for the pitchers in our building is that we build all of our programming based off an individualized assessment.  This assessment includes…

  • Injury history screening
  • Goal creation centered around health standards
  • Joint-by-joint mobility screen
  • Force Plate profile analysis
  • Arm Care Testing and Biomechanical Review (advanced assessment)

Based on the assessment results, KPI prescribes individualized programming so each athlete receives personalized training that addresses their unique physical and movement needs.  

The problem most athletes, young and old, have is that they received generalized programming.  This allows problems to compound over time and eventually, a high-output pitcher will most likely break down due to this deficiency.

Here are the top 5 benefits of receiving personalized programming based on an assessment for a high level pitcher…

  • Targeted Risk Mitigation: Individualized programming allows coaches and trainers to identify specific areas of weakness or vulnerability in a pitcher’s movement patterns, strength, or mobility. By addressing these areas directly, the risk of injury can be significantly reduced compared to using generalized programming that may not account for individual differences.

  • Customized Load Management: High-level pitchers often have varying workloads and recovery needs based on factors like age, experience, injury history, and biomechanics. Individualized programming can tailor workload management strategies, such as pitch counts, rest periods, and recovery protocols, to each pitcher’s unique requirements, optimizing performance while minimizing the risk of overuse injuries.

  • Biomechanical Optimization: Every pitcher has a unique movement pattern influenced by factors like body mechanics, flexibility, and strength ratios. Assessment-based programming allows for the identification of biomechanical inefficiencies or imbalances that may predispose a pitcher to injury. By addressing these issues through targeted exercises and corrective drills, pitchers can improve their mechanics and reduce the strain on vulnerable areas of the body.

  • Injury Prevention Education: Individualized programming provides an opportunity for pitchers to receive personalized education and guidance on injury prevention strategies. This may include instruction on proper warm-up routines, mechanics cues, recovery techniques, and injury-specific prevention exercises. By empowering pitchers with knowledge and tools to proactively manage their health, they can better protect themselves from common baseball-related injuries.

  • Long-Term Performance Optimization: By focusing on the individual needs of each pitcher, assessment-based programming aims to support not only short-term performance goals but also long-term career sustainability. By minimizing the risk of injuries that could sideline a pitcher for extended periods, individualized programming helps ensure consistent participation and development over the course of a player’s career.

The baseball industry needs to be educated, and ultimately needs to change, to properly address the current arm care epidemic.  If the industry can shift towards more assessment-based and personalized developmental journey, we can collectively start to bring down the alarming injury trends we are seeing at every level of the sport.


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